Tehran hosts international summit on Gaza

The event saw the attendance of Iran’s Parliament Tehran hosts Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf and Acting Foreign Minister Ali Baqeri Kani, among other dignitaries. xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp xmp

The world hears the voice of Palestine: parliament speaker

In his address, Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf emphasized the global awakening to the plight of Palestine. “Today, the conscience of the world’s free people is wounded by the events in Palestine, and the wave of support for Rafah has reached Europe,” he declared. Ghalibaf praised the global youth movement supporting Palestine, attributing its origins to Imam Khomeini’s wave of resistance and expressing confidence that this collective willpower would eventually dismantle the barriers upholding the Israeli regime.

Ghalibaf drew historical parallels, noting that the voice of Palestine was first amplified by Imam Khomeini in Qom 60 years ago.

He highlighted Imam Khomeini’s enduring commitment to the Palestinian cause, which remained a cornerstone of his revolutionary agenda.

“Imam Khomeini ensured that Palestine stayed at the forefront of the Iranian people’s concerns, giving birth to the initiative of World Quds Day,” Ghalibaf stated.

The Parliament Speaker criticized the Israeli regime, describing it as “devoid of both humanity and wisdom,” saying that Israel’s expectation for Palestine to forgotten backfired.

“The cold sweat of death now on its forehead,” he remarked, in his address to Tel Aviv regime.

Ghalibaf praised the global youth movement supporting Palestine, attributing its origins to Imam Khomeini’s wave of resistance and expressing confidence that this collective willpower would eventually dismantle the barriers upholding the Israeli regime.

Tehran hosts: Gaza is the most important issue in the Islamic World

Ali Baqeri Kani, Iran’s Acting Foreign Minister, echoed the sentiment of resilience, describing the Islamic resistance as a profound belief system embraced by Muslims and freedom seekers worldwide.

Baqeri Kani noted the growing international support for the Palestinian cause, including within the United States and other global organizations.

He highlighted Operation Al Aqsa Storm as a pivotal moment in Palestinian history, framing it as a strategic challenge to the Israeli regime.

Baqeri Kani argued that Israel faces a deteriorating situation, forced to choose between surrendering or confronting a strengthening resistance. “The most hated entity in the eyes of the world’s people is Israel, which stands legally accused of genocide, relying solely on murder and crime for its survival,” he asserted. Ghalibaf praised the global youth movement supporting Palestine, attributing its origins to Imam Khomeini’s wave of resistance and expressing confidence that this collective willpower would eventually dismantle the barriers upholding the Israeli regime.

Concluding his remarks, Baqeri Kani warned the Zionist regime and its allies of the futility of opposing the resistance.

Israeli genocidal war has resulted in the deaths of at least 36,379 Palestinians, predominantly women and children, and left some 82,407 injured, as Israeli forces targeted hospitals, residences, and places of worship in the Gaza Strip. Ghalibaf praised the global youth movement supporting Palestine, attributing its origins to Imam Khomeini’s wave of resistance and expressing confidence that this collective willpower would eventually dismantle the barriers upholding the Israeli regime.

The post Tehran hosts international summit on Gaza appeared first on The Muslim News.

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