Palestine: 135 Palestinians injured by Israeli forces in West Bank

By Mustafa Deveci


JERUSALEM (AA): 135 Palestinians were injured Friday when tear gas was thrown at protesters by Israeli forces in the northern occupied West Bank.

Palestinians held demonstrations against illegal Jewish settlements in different parts of the West Bank, especially in Beita in Nablus and the village of Beit Dajan.

Israeli forces intervened and used tear gas and live and rubber bullets. Palestinians responded by throwing stones.

The Palestinian Red Crescent said three people were injured by live bullets and 84 with rubber bullets.

Israeli soldiers fired rubber-coated steel rounds, stun grenades, and drones dropped teargas onto the crowd, causing 135 various injuries

A tear gas canister hit the windshield of a Palestinian ambulance and a health worker inside was injured by broken glass. Two Palestinian volunteer health workers were injured with rubber bullets.

Soldiers fired teargas at Palestinians standing in solidarity with the people in the Silwan neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem, whose homes are being threatened by the Israeli authorities.

Israeli and Palestinian estimates indicate that there are about 650,000 illegal settlers in West Bank settlements, including occupied Jerusalem, living in 164 settlements and 116 outposts.

Under international law, all Jewish settlements in occupied territories are considered illegal.

Israeli police began allowing settler incursions in 2003, despite repeated condemnations from the Islamic Endowment Department in Jerusalem.

*Writing by Gozde Bayar

Additional report from Wafa news agency 

[Archive Photo: Israeli forces attack peaceful Palestinian protesters in Silwan neighbourhood of Jerusalem on June 29, 2021. Photographer: Mostafa Alkharouf/AA]

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