Pakistan: 7 terrorists, 3 soldiers killed in NW Pakistan clashes

By Islamuddin Sajid

ISLAMABAD (AA):  At least seven terrorists and three Pakistan Army soldiers were killed during clashes in the country’s northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, the military said on Friday.

According to a statement by Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), a media wing of the Pakistan Army, security forces repulsed three attacks in the Lakkhi Marwat district last night when terrorists stormed a military post.

A motorcycle-borne suicide bomber exploded himself near a security post in Lakki Marwat followed by a fierce fire exchange between troops and terrorists, the ISPR said, adding that troops effectively engaged the terrorists and killed four of them.

“On night 27/28 Apr 23, Security Forces, while fighting gallantly, repulsed three attacks by terrorists on different locations within a span of short time in Lakki Marwat District,” the ISPR said in a statement.

“A Motorcycle borne Suicide bomber exploded himself near security forces post in Lakki Marwat followed by a fierce fire exchange between own troops and terrorists,” it added.

Terrorists also carried out attacks on security forces in Amir Kalam and Tajbi Khel in the Lakki Marwat district, but the army repulsed the attacks and killed three terrorists, it said.

During these clashes three army soldiers also lost their lives, the statement said, adding the forces recovered weapons and ammunition from the killed militants.

Tehreek-i-Jihad Pakistan, a terrorist group that surfaced for the first time, has claimed responsibility for the attacks in a statement issued by the organisation’s spokesman, Mulla Mohammad Qasim.

Over the past year, at least 300 people, including security personnel, were killed and 521 got injured in 436 terrorist incidents, according to the army.

Some 157 suspected militants were killed, and nearly 1,400 were arrested during more than 8,000 intelligence-based operations in a year.

[Map of Pakistan from CIA Factbook/Public Domain]

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