Ukrainian Special Forces Target Russian Troops in Syria

Amid Syria’s reintegration into the Arab League but ongoing deep crisis, recent revelations have introduced a new dimension to the conflict : the involvement of Ukrainian special forces against Russian troops, as reported in a video by Kyiv Post. Through the Defense Ministry’s Intelligence Directorate (GUR), Ukraine is said to have launched targeted attacks in Syria, specifically against Russian forces. The 22nd joint Russian patrol of a section of the M-4 highway took place in the Idlib de-escalation zone in Syria in 2020. vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc vmc

According to Kyiv Post, videos indicate Ukrainian Special

That Ukrainian commandos, supported by Syrian rebels, have conducted operations against Russian positions on the Golan Heights, an area where Russia recently established several observation posts. This initiative aims to counter Russian support for the Bashar al-Assad regime while keeping Shiite militias at bay to maintain amicable relations with Israel. The attacks reportedly involve the use of improvised explosive devices against checkpoints and Russian patrols in an operation named “Khimik.”

The GUR explains these actions as a response to Russia’s involvement in Syria, where Moscow is said to be recruiting mercenaries to fight in Ukraine. This strategy reportedly includes training Syrian fighters near Aleppo, who then given Russian passports before joining operations in Ukraine. In February, the GUR had already identified Syrian nationals involved in these activities.

These disclosures suggest an intensification of Ukraine’s strategy to counter Russian influence beyond Eastern Europe. They also reflect the complexities of the Syrian war, involving a myriad of local and international actors, and highlight the increased risks of regional destabilization. The UN Special Envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen, has recently warned against these “negative trends” exacerbating the already dire situation for the millions in need of humanitarian aid.

Since the outset of the Syrian civil war in 2011

Russia has been a steadfast supporter of President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, playing a crucial role in shaping the conflict’s trajectory. Moscow’s intervention began more prominently in September 2015, when it launched an air campaign aimed at bolstering Assad’s forces, which at the time were losing ground to various rebel factions. This military support has not only included air strikes against both rebel and extremist groups but also the deployment of ground forces and military advisors to aid Syrian government operations.

Beyond military assistance, Russia has used its diplomatic weight to shield Syria from international sanctions and criticism, particularly within the United Nations Security Council, where it has repeatedly used its veto power to block resolutions against the Syrian regime. In the post-conflict phase, Russia’s involvement has shifted towards diplomatic efforts and reconstruction, positioning itself as a key player in Syria’s long-term stabilization and the broader geopolitical reconfiguration of the region.

Beyond Syria, Ukraine has also conducted similar operations in Sudan, targeting the Rapid Support Forces backed by the former Wagner organization. These actions demonstrate Kyiv’s active opposition to Russia’s efforts to expand its influence in strategic regions worldwide.

The post Ukrainian Special Forces Target Russian Troops in Syria appeared first on The Muslim News.

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