Palestine: Three Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in Nablus & Jenin

By Harun Nasrullah

The Muslim News: Two Palestinians were killed, and three others, including an elderly woman were seriously injured by Israeli army fire during a military raid in the West Bank city of Nablus Saturday. Israeli forces also shot and killed a Palestinian young man on Saturday while he attempted to pass through a military roadblock southwest of Jenin city in the northern occupied West Bank.

Saed Jihad Masheh, 32, and Adnan Wasim Araj, 19, were shot in the head during the raid at the Balata refugee camp in Nablus.

According to eyewitnesses, Israeli forces raided the camp and besieged a house inside, triggering clashes with locals before withdrawing from the area.

Undercover Israeli forces infiltrated the refugee camp and surrounded a house before a swarm of army vehicles invaded the area and fired a barrage of live shots, as well as many grenades and shells, causing significant damage and burning huge portions of the property.

Ahmad Jibril, the head of the Nablus office of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS), said dozens of Palestinians were also suffering temporary asphyxiation from tear gas canisters fired by Israeli forces.

Among the three injured Palestinians is a 50-year-old woman whom the soldiers shot with four live rounds, causing life-threatening wounds.

Palestinian ambulances were not permitted to access the refugee camp until the soldiers had slain the Palestinians and left the area for at least an hour. During the invasion, medics were only able to remove one injured Palestinian on foot.

The Israeli army also invaded several areas of Nablus city and its suburbs before closing many streets and installing roadblocks.

Tensions have run high across the occupied West Bank in recent months amid repeated Israeli raids on Palestinian towns.

Israeli forces raid Palestinian territories on an almost daily basis, mostly under the pretext of searching for wanted Palestinians.

The raid came as at least 33 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, which Tel Aviv says were in response to rocket fire from the Palestinian territory.

More than 160 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces since the start of this year, according to Palestinian figures. At least 20 Israelis have also been killed in separate attacks during the same period.

Israeli forces also shot and killed a Palestinian young man on Saturday while he attempted to pass through a military roadblock southwest of Jenin city in the northern occupied West Bank, local sources reported.

Ahmed Muhammad Tayseer Atatreh was riding a bicycle when occupying Israeli soldiers stationed at the “Al-Rayhan” roadblock, near the illegal “Shaked” settlement, established on land confiscated from Tura al-Gharbiya village, opened fire at him.

According to witnesses, soldiers refused to allow bystanders or paramedics to treat Atatreh, 33, resulting in his death, which was confirmed hours later.

Israeli forces invaded Ya’bad, as well as the villages of Jalboun, Faqqu’a, and Rummana in Jenin Governorate, constructing flying roadblocks and inspecting vehicles and IDs.

Israeli soldiers shot three Palestinians during protests in Azzoun town, east of Qalqilia in the northern West Bank, on Friday evening.

[Photo: A view of an empty street as Israeli forces raid the city of Nablus, West Bank on May 14, 2023. Photojournalist :Nedal Eshtayah/AA]

The post Palestine: Three Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in Nablus & Jenin appeared first on The Muslim News.

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