Palestine: Palestinian dies of wounds from Israeli fire in West Bank

By Awad Rajoub


RAMALLAH, Palestine (AA):  A young Palestinian man succumbed to his wounds from Israeli fire on Saturday, according to the Ministry of Health.

A ministry statement said the young man was seriously injured when Israeli forces stormed the town of Ya’bad near the West Bank city of Jenin last week for demolishing a Palestinian home.

Three other people were also injured during the raid.

In another attack, Palestinian medical sources reported that a Palestinian, who was seriously injured after Israeli soldiers attacked him in Tarqoumia town, northwest of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, remains in a critical condition.

The sources said that Husam Fatafta suffered fractures to the skull and a Hemorrhage in the brain after Israeli soldiers truck him with their rifles on the head.

On Saturday, the Palestinian was assaulted and seriously injured when the army attacked dozens of nonviolent protesters during a procession against the Israeli order illegally annexing 600 Dunams of Palestinian lands in Tarqoumia, reports

Palestinian medics rushed the wounded young man to the Al-Ahli Hospital In Hebron, due to the seriousness of his condition.

The soldiers also shot Husam’s brother and a journalist with rubber-coated steel bullets and caused many to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

According to Palestinian estimates, 65 Palestinians were killed by Israeli army fire since the beginning of this year, including 21 in Jenin alone.

*Writing by Bassel Barakat in Ankara

[Photo: Armed Israeli soldiers beat up a Palestinian protester protesting  Israel’s seizure of their land, in Hebron, West Bank on June 11, 2022. Photographer: Mamoun Wazwaz/AA]

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