Palestine calls US veto on Gaza cease-fire war crimes endorsement: UNSC

By Harun Nasrullah

London (The Muslim News): On December 8, Palestine’s UN representative blasted the UN Security Council for failing to endorse a draft resolution requesting a humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza.

The United States vetoed the UAE-drafted resolution, which was co-sponsored by nearly 100 UN member nations. US has vetoed 44 times in the UN Security Council to protect Israel.

It was backed by 13 Security Council members. The United Kingdom, which, like the United States, is a permanent council member with veto authority, did not support the resolution, it abstained.

Riyad al-Mansour called the failure “beyond regrettable” and “disastrous.”

“Instead of allowing this Council to uphold its mandate by finally making a clear call, after two months, that atrocities must end, the war criminals are given more time to perpetuate their crimes. How can this be justified? How can anyone justify the slaughter of an entire people?” he asked.

Al-Mansour renewed his plea for a cease-fire, stating that “every further day means lives lost, people killed at an unprecedented pace in modern history.”

The resolution urged all parties to the conflict to follow international law, notably in the protection of civilians, demanded an immediate humanitarian cease-fire, and asked UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to report to the council on the implementation of the cease-fire.

The UAE, which introduced the draft, said it worked to expeditiously complete the resolution due to the mounting number of dead over the 63-day war.

Robert Wood, the US representative to the UN, said the Biden administration exercised its veto power because a cease-fire would have allowed Hamas to remain in control of Gaza.

“As long as Hamas clings to its ideology of destruction, any cease-fire is at best temporary and is certainly not peace. And any cease-fire that leaves Hamas in control of Gaza will deny Palestinian civilians the chance to build something better for themselves ,” he said.

“For that reason, although the United States strongly supports a durable peace in which both Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace and security, we do not support this resolution’s call for an unsustainable cease-fire that will only plant the seeds for the next war .”

Guterres earlier Friday warned the Security Council that the humanitarian support network in Gaza is facing “total collapse,” and if it were to fail, there would be “devastating consequences” for the region and would result in “a complete breakdown of public order and increased pressure for mass displacement into Egypt.”

“I fear the consequences could be devastating for the security of the entire region,” he told the Security Council ahead of the vote on the draft resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian cease-fire to end he hostilities,

Palestine’s UN representative blasted the UN Security Council for failing to endorse a draft resolution requesting a humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza.

The United States vetoed the UAE-drafted resolution, which was co-sponsored by nearly 100 UN member nations. US has vetoed 44 times in the UN Security Council to protect Israel.

It was backed by 13 Security Council members. The United Kingdom, which, like the United States, is a permanent council member with veto authority, did not support the resolution, it abstained.

“The risk of collapse of the humanitarian system is fundamentally linked with a complete lack of safety and security for our staff in Gaza, and with the nature and intensity of military operations, which are severely limiting access to people in desperate need,” he added .

The UN Relief Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) is currently supporting aid for over 2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza, including over 1.2 million people who have sought shelter in the organization’s facilities.

Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General, said the US veto “ displayed a callous disregard for civilian suffering in the face of a staggering death toll, extensive destruction and an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe happening in the occupied Gaza Strip.

“The US has brazenly wielded and weaponised its veto to strongarm the UN Security Council, further undermining its credibility and ability to live up to its mandate to maintain international peace and security.

“There can be no justification for continuing to block meaningful action by the UN Security Council to stop massive civilian bloodshed. The use of the veto is morally indefensible and a dereliction of the US’s duty to prevent atrocity crimes and uphold international law.

“On top of blocking the adoption of a ceasefire that would end mass humanitarian suffering in Gaza, aid the return of hostages, and calm tension multiplying in the region, the US continues to transfer US-made munitions to the Government of Israel that contribute to the decimation of entire families.

“As the only state to veto, it’s clear the US stands isolated from much of world, and a large portion of its own population. It is displaying a complete absence of global leadership and failing to understand the historical significance of the moment.

“The US purports to champion a rules-based international order, however, its brazen double standards and disregard for international law has repercussions that extend well beyond the horrific catastrophe in Gaza, weakening the already enfeebled international system for protecting civilians in conflict.

“As a movement of over 10 million people, we urge everyone across the world to act now and press their governments to show that international law exists to protect everyone by ending this carnage via an enduring ceasefire. Restoring humanity is a pre-requisite to lay the foundation for a future grounded in the rights of all, and end to apartheid, and justice and reparation for victims.”

The US risks “complicity in war crimes” by continuing to provide Israel with weapons and “diplomatic cover” as it commits “atrocities” in Gaza, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said.

The HRW UN Director, Louis Charbonneau, posted a statement after the US vetoed a security council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in the Palestinian territory.

“The veto by the US prevented the council from making some of the call Washington itself has been demanding, including compliance with international humanitarian law, protection of civilians and releasing all civilians held hostage,” he wrote.

“By continuing to provide Israel with weapons and diplomatic cover as it commits atrocities, including collectively punishing the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza, the US risks complicity in war crimes,” he added.

According to Ministry of Health in Gaza, 17,487 Palestinians have been killed including 7,729 children, 5,153 women. 4,680 Palestinians have been injured by Israeli indiscriminate bombings. 81 journalists and media workers have been killed by Israeli indisicriminate bombings. The Israeli death toll in the Hamas attack stood at 1,147, according to Israeli authorities. 138 Israelis are still held captive by Hamas.

[Photo:Doctors treat injured child following Israeli bombing on Al-Maghazi refugee camp in Deir Al-Balah, Gaza 8 12 23. Being treated at Al-Aqsa martyrs Hospital. Photojournalis:  Ashraf Amra/ AA]

The post Palestine calls US veto on Gaza cease-fire war crimes endorsement: UNSC appeared first on The Muslim News.

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