Bill Maher casually predicts Trump win during chat with Chris Wallace

During a recent appearance on “Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace,” “Real Time” host Bill Maher stretched his theories to January 20, 2025, predicting that Trump will “probably” be president or, at the very least, attempt to glom on to the title with both hands, whether he wins or not. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Positioning Trump as someone who very much wants to regain the power he lost to Biden, whom Maher comments “does not look like a very good candidate,” this crystal ball of a take seemed to knock Wallace back a bit, eliciting a “You think so?” from the “Who’s Talking” host.

Yes, Maher really does think so.

“He’s gonna show up on inauguration day whether he wins or loses because he will claim that he won,” Maher said. “That is the one thing I can absolutely predict with utter certainty. He will never, as I kept saying all those years, he will never concede an election. He’s certainly not going to concede this one.”

Bracing for his prediction to come true, Maher furthered that he’s not going to “[lose his] nervous system at every step of the way” ramping up to the results of the election. But in response to Wallace essentially asking how he’ll feel afterwards, and if he’ll lose his mind then, Maher grimly said, “We could lose a lot more than my mind.”

Bill Maher clashes with Jewish actress saying antisemitism comes from the right: ‘No, it doesn’t’
– Former ‘Jeopardy!’ host says it’s a ‘real challenge’ to be a liberal and defend Israel
– Grand Marshal explains why this year’s Israel Day on Fifth march through New York City will be much, much different

TOP STORY: Comedian Bill Maher clashed with Jewish actress Sandra Bernhard over whether the current rise in antisemitism comes mostly from the left or the right in the U.S. Bernhard argued that antisemitism has been spreading thanks to conservatives. “The left-wing is even worse,” Maher said, noting that its obsession with race and identity politics has fueled the anti-Jewish hate spreading on American college campuses.

VIDEO: Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., ripped Hamas as a cowardly terrorist group while being pressed on his pro-Israel stance, saying the organization hid behind civilians.

NOT THE SAME: Sunday’s annual Israel Day on Fifth march through New York City will feature heavy security this year, but also hundreds of special guests – relatives of the hostages killed, released or still held by Hamas in Gaza. “It has a more somber, more meaningful tone to it because it’s all about the hostages,” Israel Day on Fifth grand marshal Harley Lippman told Fox News Digital. xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc xbc


‘BEYOND ALARMING’: A Jewish organization is calling on a House Democrat running for Senate to sever ties with a top campaign adviser who attended a convention organized by a notorious antisemite. “It is beyond alarming that a major U.S. Senate candidate and sitting member of Congress employs political staff who associate with Louis Farrakhan,” the founder of StopAntisemitism, told Fox News Digital.

The post Bill Maher casually predicts Trump win during chat with Chris Wallace appeared first on The Muslim News.

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