Giant Flying Venomous Spiders Heading To New York State

If you are afraid of spiders the Joro Spider will surely have you screaming with fear.

2024 seems to be the year of the invasive insect species. We keep getting warnings about ones that have made their way to Upstate New York and it’s starting to feel like it’s never going to end. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Well, I have bad news – it’s not over yet.

The giant Joro Spider is making it’s way to the East Coast and these things look absolutely terrifying.

Read More: Invasive Insect Species Set To Invade New York – If You See It, Kill It

Known for their vibrant yellow color, the Joro spider is straight out of your nightmares, especially if you happen to have a fear of these eight legged creatures. The females have legs that span 4 inches long.

Also, yes, they are venomous. I am happy to report that according to CBS news they do not pose a threat to humans.

That venom is reserved for the critters that get caught up in their webs, including butterflies, wasps and cockroaches.

Now for the bad news about these things
They can fly. Yes, fly. They use silk threads that they release onto the air that allows them to fly using a technique called “ballooning.” No thank to that.

Other bad news is that they can pose a significant threat to the native spiders in our area. These things are big bad predators.

On the good side (if there is a good side to these giant flying monsters) there have been no reports of them causing harm to people or pets. I guess that is good to know.

So when should we expect these things to start their alien invasion?

The Asian spiders could be here any day now. They’ve been warning us about this particular species for years and say that when they do finally show up they’re here to stay.

5 of New York’s Most Devastating Invasive Species
Here are 5 species that have invaded New York State and in some cases they must be killed. We are talking about fish that walk on land, plants that cause severe burns and insects that could wipe out a variety of crops that we rely on.

Keep an eye out for these species and you hike, work around the yard or do some fishing this year. Should you locate any of these it is important to report where and when you found them to the New York State DEC.
Gallery Credit: Karolyi

The Northern Snakehead, also known as the Frankenfish, has been spotted “, in the Hudson River throughout New York State. This fish can breathe air and walk on land. If you see it, kill it and leave it behind to die.

The Spotted Lanternfly is here New York and it needs to die. If let this one get away from us we will see devastating damage to our crops such as hops, grapes and trees.

Also known as the ‘Russian Boar’, will damage habitat and crops, as well as threaten native wildlife and domestic livestock. You can’t hunt them in New York so killing them isn’t an option. If you see one in New York State please report it to the DEC.

DO NOT TOUCH THIS PLANT! Contact with the Giant Hogweed could cause severe burns and it’s all over New York State. If you see this plant call the Giant Hogweed Information Line: 845-256-3111.

Here’s another invasive fish that needs to die. Seriously, if you catch one, kill it. This fish is a bully and tends to take over freshwater areas where native fish live. The Goby eats all of the food source in these areas and the native fish can’t survive.
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Read More: Dangerous Invasive Giant Spiders Set To Invade New York |

The post Giant Flying Venomous Spiders Heading To New York State appeared first on The Muslim News.

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