British sources report new missile incident in Red Sea

According to IRNA citing Reuters, British sources Ambri announced that it received information indicating a missile activity about 47 nautical miles west of Yemen’s Hudaydah port. dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd

UKMTO also said it had received a report of an incident near the same location but gave no further details of the incident.

The Yemeni armed forces, which have pledged to continue attacking Israel-bound ships in the Red Sea and in the Indian Ocean, have also not commented on the incident that comes just two days after the US and the UK struck several locations across Yemen, including Hudaydah, killing 16 people and injuring 42 others.

Yemen’s Supreme Political Council:

During a meeting on Saturday, pledged to respond to the deadly attacks by the US and the UK against Yemeni soil.

Washington and London began airstrikes on Yemen in mid-January under the pretext of protecting international shipping but Yemenis say their attacks are aimed at safeguarding the Zionist regime’s maritime interests.

The Yemeni army has, time and again, announced that all ships except those heading for Israeli ports are safe to sail through the Red Sea.

British sources report new ‘missile’ incident in Red Sea

Meanwhile, the Yemeni Human Rights Center condemned the aggression of the United States and Britain against the Arab country, calling it the outcome of Yemen’s support for Gaza and Palestine.

According to Yemen’s Al-Masira network, the Yemeni rights group called on Arab and Islamic countries to condemn the crimes committed against the people of Yemen and Palestine and take real and responsible measures regarding these crimes.

British sources On Thursday:

American and British warplanes bombed the Yemeni capital Sana’a, its international airport and several adjoining cities.

But such attacks have not deterred the Yemeni army to target Zionist ships or ships bound for the occupied territories in the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandab strait during the past weeks in support of the resistance of the Palestinian nation in the Gaza Strip. They have also occasionally targeted American and British vessels in the strategic waterways in retaliation for the two countries’ unprovoked aggression.

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