Palestine: 4,000 Palestinian students killed, 8,059 injured in Gaza, & West Bank by Israeli forces

By Harun Nasrullah

London, (The Muslim News): Over 4,000 Palestinian students have been killed and 8,059 injured in Gaza and the occupied West Bank since October 7, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Education.

The ministry stated that 4,257 students were killed in the Gaza Strip and 39 in the West Bank.

In Gaza, 281 government schools and 65 UN Relief and Works Agency for Refugees schools were attacked and vandalised, with 83 seriously damaged and seven destroyed.

On Tuesday, the Israeli army attacked the city of Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank, clashing with Palestinians.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society reported that its medical teams treated eight Palestinians injured by Israeli live bullets in the Askar refugee camp in Nablus City.

According to eyewitnesses, Israeli forces attacked the camp and encircled a home. The Red Crescent and the Israeli army initially denied their medical professionals access to the injured Palestinians but subsequently permitted them.

Israeli forces also attacked the Balata refugee camp in Nablus, resulting in confrontations with Palestinian fighters, but no injuries were recorded.

Early on Tuesday, the Israeli army struck a home Palestinian in Tulkarem refugee camp, leaving nine Palestinians injured, according to another statement by the Red Crescent.

On Monday night, the Israeli army killed three Palestinians in the city of Tulkarem.

A Palestinian man in his early 30s was killed Tuesday afternoon after being shot by Israeli occupation forces near the military checkpoint of Ein Sinya to the north of Ramallah, according to the Ministry of Health, bringing the death toll of Palestinians in the West Bank from Israeli fire since October 7 to 341.

The young man, who was identified as 31-year-old Ibrahim Samih Jayousi, was shot dead by the occupation forces near the said checkpoint north of Ramallah.

Local sources said that forces opened fire at a man near the Ain Sinya checkpoint after he allegedly attempted to carry out a stabbing attack. The occupation forces closed the checkpoint in the aftermath of the shooting and prevented Palestinians from crossing.

Israeli settlers fired live bullets at a group of farmers Tuesday while they were cultivating their lands in the town of Al-Samu’, south of Hebron, while the occupation soldiers also detained two of them.

A WAFA correspondent reported that settlers from the illegal “Otnael” settlement opened fire on a group of farmers in Khallet Nias in the town of Al-Samou’, while they were cultivating their lands.

No injuries were reported.

The Israeli army also detained farmers Turki Shehda Abu Awad and Salim Hamdan Abu Awad. The occupation imprisoned a number of farmers and stopped them from entering their farms in the Sadda al-Thaghla neighbourhood, east of Yatta and south of Hebron.

According to a WAFA correspondent, Israeli occupation soldiers shot and killed three Palestinian males in their early twenties Monda night in the town of Iktaba, east of Tulkarem City.

A special Israeli unit, accompanied by a large military force, stormed the town of Iktaba amid the heavy firing of live bullets towards a parked vehicle before cordoning off one of the houses in the area and fatally shooting three youths inside.

The Ministry of Health announced that three youths arrived dead at the Tulkarem Governmental Hospital after being shot by Israeli forces.

The three were identified as Yusuf Ali Al-Kholi, 22, Ahed Salman Mousa, 23, and Tareq Amjad Shahin, 24.

According to sources, Israeli forces ran over one of the bodies with their military jeep before withdrawing from the area.

A fourth youth was shot and injured by the occupation soldiers during the military offensive and detained despite his injuries.

National and Islamic factions declared a general strike in Tulkarem Tuesday, in mourning for the three slain Palestinians.

Meanwhile in Gaza, Health Ministry said 126 Palestinians were killed in Israeli indiscriminate bombings on Tuesday, the 95th day of the war.

Health Ministry said that 23,210 Palestinians have been killed including 9,600 children, 6750 women, 59,167 injured by Israeli bombing in Gaza since 7 Ocober. 7,000 Palestinians are missing in the war.

According to Israeli authorities 1,139 Israelis were killed in southern Israel on October 7. 136 Israelis are captives by Hamas in Gaza.

[Photo:Injured Palestinian girl injured by Israeli airstrike in al-Maghazi refugee camp in Deir al Balah, Gaza being treated in al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Hospital, Gaza on 9 1 24. Photojournalist: Ashraf Amra /AA]


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