Israeli Forces Kill a Child Injure Another Near Jericho

Israeli forces shot and killed, on Saturday, a Palestinian child, and injured another in the Aqabat Jaber refugee camp, southwest of Jericho in the northeastern part of the occupied West Bank. dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd dfd

Media sources said that occupation forces invaded, on Saturday evening, the Aqabat Jaber refugee camp, and opened fire with live rounds towards two Palestinian children in the vicinity of the western cemetery in the camp.

Soldiers shot the two teens with live ammunition, while the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) stated that the army prevented their ambulance crews from approaching the wounded to provide first aid, and proceeded to abduct both injured children.

Israeli Forces the PRCS received the body of the child:

Ahmad Ashraf Walid Hamidat, 16, at a military roadblock south of Jericho, and transported him to the Jericho Governmental Hospital.

It was added that the second injured child identified as Muhammad Musa Al-Bitar, 17, and he remains in the custody of the occupation forces, despite his injury.

The severity of the child’s health condition not known at the time of writing this report; any new information will updated as it becomes available.
Israeli occupation forces on Saturday expelled Palestinian farmers from their lands and burns 100 dunams (24 acres) of fertile almond, grape and olive orchards in Beit Ummar, near Hebron in the southern West Bank.

According to local sources, the Israeli occupation forces expelled farmers from their lands in the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron, and caused the burning of large areas of their lands planted with trees, grapes, and almonds.

Local journalist Mohammad Awad said:

That the occupation forces expell the farmers from their lands, and fir poisonous gas and sound bombs, causing fires to break out in hundrs of dunams in Khallet al-Kutla, Khirbet al-Qat, and Wadi al-Wahadin areas, which had been plant with olives, almonds, and grapes, in addition to a number of plant greenhouses. agricultural tools and equipment.

This just the latest in a series of fires set by the Israeli occupying forces in the West Bank in a blatant attempt to undermine the Palestinian economy and food sources. Several days earlier, the troops burn the main, ancient marketplace in the West Bank’s largest city – Ramallah. Thousands of stalls full of vegetables, fruits and other foodstuffs were burn.

In Saturday’s arson, the land belongs to the Al-Salibi and Awad families, and the material losses are estimat according to the residents at more than one and a half million shekels, especially since the farmers are at the beginning of the agricultural year and the season of waiting for the harvest.

Israeli occupation forces paralyz two Palestinian children, Amr Suwaidan and Karim Sharab after directly shooting them in a clear deliberate attempt to disabling them.

Suwaidan, 17, from the city of Nablus, was shot with live bullet in the neck by an Israeli soldier in the town of Azzun, east of Qalqilya, on February 13th

Suwaidan and another young man were riding an electric bike when an Israeli military jeep chased after them through the streets of the town and attempted to intentionally run over them.

When they fell, the young man was able to flee the place while Suwaidan couldn’t.

A soldier came near Suwaidan and began hitting him with the door of the jeep. After that, another Israeli soldier, specifically the one sitting next to the driver, opened a barrage of gunfire at him at point-blank distance, critically injuring him in the neck.

Suwaidan left to bleed on the ground for about five minutes following the shooting attack because Israeli forces did not allow anyone to reach him.

An eyewitness told Defense for Children International Palestine (DCIP), “One of the soldiers put his hand on the spot where Suwaidan injured and told him, ‘Death, Death.’”

The bullet hit Suwaidan’s neck damaging his nerves and spine and causing him paralysis in all four limbs.

The post Israeli Forces Kill a Child Injure Another Near Jericho appeared first on The Muslim News.

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